Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Casting and Representation, and Schedule, Oh my!

Hello everyone, my group and I finally decided on our casting today and I believe that we will begin our filming incredibly soon. I know that we want to film the office scenes first, following that with the bench scene, and closing our film with the extra miscellaneous characters, even though the opening may not be in this order. This order of filming will be the most convenient for my group and I. I will now describe to you our predicted schedule for the rest of the project.
Now this schedule obviously has lots of flexibility as there will be days where we have left over time or we do not have enough time. This is just the schedule that we plan on following for now, as I have already ordered the tripod and we can begin the filming process this weekend. We also began to start our casting process. We have majority of our cast decided on, which I will display right now. 
We are not done with our casting yet, as we have come into some conflicts. We realized as a team that we must represent our movie in a positive light and we need to have some diversity in our actors and actresses. We decided that we would need to have a few more females roles in the workplace, as we want our project to be described as modern, and we do not want to come off as a sexist film. We also realized we need more diversity in our cast when it comes to race. For our other male roles, we decided that we will try to find someone that is not a Caucasian. 

In this film, we will focus on a positive representation that exemplifies diversity in all forms of society. We decided that our businessmen will not come off as a stereotypical one (refer to previous blog on businessman stereotypes). We also do not want our film to display only one heritage of society. When we display our opening sequence, we need to display white children, Asian children, African-American children, as well as Hispanic children in order to allow our theme to come across properly. The centralized theme of our movie is that life should not be taken for granted and that we all have the opportunity in life to fail or succeed. If we do not display all sorts of races and sexes, we will not give off the correct representation of our film. We know that in our film we must incorporate as many elements of research we have accumulated over the last weekend, and by the looks of how our film is planning out, I believe we will accomplish my goals. I hope you all enjoyed this post!! Thanks again for reading!! 

Cipriani, Casey. "Sorry, Ladies: Study on Women in Film and Television Confirms The Worst." IndieWire. N.p., 10 Feb. 2015. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.
Desta, Yohana. "Diversity in Film Is Abysmal-but There's an Easy Way to Fix One Big Problem." HWD. Vanity Fair, 07 Sept. 2016. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

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